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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

Dear Colleague

We have been preparing the Dental Spaghetti Congress together for 20 years - a congress where a generation of ambitious Polish dentists was brought up, a congress where I grew up. Dental Spaghetti has always been a source of inspiration and adrenaline for me. Thanks to this congress, we were able to regularly meet with Mentors of world dentistry and catch new trends.

It will not be any different this time!

Dr Maciej Żarow
Komitet Organizacyjny

Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Kraków, Poland
31. März 2023
Direct simplified posteriors: occlusion, contact point management, direct cusp coverage & modelling - Can we predict the anatomy in the correct occlusion and function? Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix
Theoretical program:
Simplified isolation:
- Rubber dam selection,
- Clamp selection,
- Isolation steps,
- Rubber dam inversion,
- Floss ligatures.
Simplified preparation:
- Fluorescence aided caries excavation,
- Preparation criteria,
- Tissue conditioning and cleaning,
- Remnant structure evaluation.
Simplified bonding:
- Bonding techniques: from total etch to self-etch, 
- Enamel bonding and dentin bonding,
- Strategies for achieving optimal bonding performance,
- One step bondin g vs two step bonding systems.
Simplified materials for systematic workflow:
without compromise:
- G-ænial A’CHORD: simplicity and aesthetics without compromise,
- Gaenial Injectable high filled flowable composite, strong as paste,
- EverX Flow: fibre-reinforced high filled flowable for easy and effective dentin replacement.

Practical program:
1. Class I restoration Upper & Lower - occlusion check.

2. Class II restoration Contact point management.

3. Hands-on workshop with explained step by step and practical demo.

4. Direct Cusp Covarage: Re-building the anatomy in a predictable way.
How to properly design a smile using Invisalign Go and Smile Architect - new possibilities Dr. Luis M. Ilzarbe Ripoll
Doctor Luis Ilzarbe will share his expertise in using Smile Architect tools included in the Clincheck software. He will explain his protocol step by step and clarify it through clinical cases in really different situations ( direct composites, indirect porcelain veneers and implant rehabilitation ).
The aims and objectives for the workshop will be:
Doctor Luis Ilzarbe will share his expertise in using Smile Architect tools included in the Clincheck software. He will explain his protocol step by step and clarify it through clinical cases in really different situations ( direct composites, indirect porcelain veneers and implant rehabilitation ).
The aims and objectives for the workshop will be:
* Showing a multidisciplinary approach with the Invisalign Go system, teeth alignment from a restorative perspective.
* Understand how to manage Clincheck software tools to guide teeth inside the prosthetic frame.
* How Smile Architect helps doctors to understand a restorative approach and helps in reaching a predictable and consistent teeth alignment therapy to patients.
* Using SA tools in the diagnostic process trying to preserve as much tissue from patients teeth thinking in the importance of a minimally invasive approach.
* Show how the new communications tools made our decisions more easy to understand for patients why we are taking some decisions in our aligning therapy.
* Use this software to share our clinical plan with the dental technician and with our team, making easier communication in multidisciplinary dentistry.
Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Kraków, Poland
1. Apr. 2023
Welcome Dr. Maciej Zarow
The Aesthetic Treatment Management - How to communicate with the patient in the new world? Dr. Germán Gómez
This short lecture will give a basic overview on patient communication skills and what to have in mind. We also will be discussing the 12 steps of the Closing sequence of any treatment. This will help the attendants to get an insight about how to get prepared to present their treatment options and get to the “Yes” of the patient with a higher degree of certainty.
Full Digital Flow from Endo to Final Restoration in simple steps Prof. Dr. Marco Martignoni
Coffee Break
Designing a smile with the use of minimally invasive prosthetics Dr. Luis M. Ilzarbe Ripoll
In this lecture Dr. Ilzarbe will show his approach with the Invisalign Go system, aligning teeth prior to restorative from a minimally invasive perspective. How he is using the new tools that are included in the Clincheck software integrating restorative guidelines to provide teeth alignment to patients in a comprehensive way and using this software in his diagnostic procedure and his communication protocol with patients and his team.
Modern implant prosthodontics: dos and don’t’s Dr. med. dent. Riccardo Kraus
What are the most important aspects in implant prosthodontics? What are the most common mistakes, what to pay special attention to, and what to avoid. Lots of advice derived from clinical experience combined with recent scientific knowledge. We will talk about digital technologies and the latest developments in implantology. What are the advantages and disadvantages, especially in terms of efficiency?
What materials are indicated for implant-supported restorations today? We will begin by discussing which abutments, considering different materials and types of retention, one can or should use. Then we will move on to crowns, with an emphasis on esthetics as well. We will conclude by discussing the long-term performance of the entire reconstruction and possible future developments.
Lunch Break
Fascinating all – ceramics – Beyond the Limits ZT Oliver Brix
All-ceramics are indispensable to the routine work of today’s dental laboratories. The reasons for the popularity of metal-free restorations include a growing awareness of esthetics and biocompatibility and an increased demand for perfection. Over several decades, all-ceramics and zirconia have established themselves as the restorative material od choice. The materials and their respective processing techniques are tried and tested scientifically proven. However, the following question remains: Have these materials actually made work easier or better, or just different? This presentation is dedicated to exploring this question and answering it on the basis of many different case studies and background information. Today’s wide selection of materials and the different possibilities of combining them offer a solution to every problem. Nevertheless, in order to obtain a successful results, a profound knowledge and understanding of the materials and technologies is required. A sound strategy must be developed that covers every step of the treatment process from the planning stage and the selection of materials to the finishing of the restoration. Beyond that, there are no limits: from minimally invasive veneers to extensive dental restorations and complex implant-supported solutions. These materials are a real boon for laboratories in the 21st century.
Biomimetic dentistry in the posterior region: composite restorations Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix
Direct composite posterior restorations are the pillars of restorative dentistry, as such they become of capital importance as they provide the stability to a proper restored dentition. However, achieving stable, high quality, long-lasting direct restorations is technique sensitive and requires a proper understanding of many factors including preparation, bonding and layering among others. Furthermore the new generation of materials, including fibre-reinforced dentin replacement, has opened a new window to enable direct restorations to have a performance and prognosis similar to indirect restorations.
How to design and achieve proper surface structure of anterior restoration? Dr. Germán Gómez
In aesthetic dentistry one of the major factors, that drive the integration of a restoration with the adjacent teeth is the shape. In the anterior teeth the outline silhouette, light reflective areas, surface texture and gloss are the important keys to a natural looking restoration. In this lecture we will go through the theory of composite layering and the primary, secondary and tertiary anatomy of front teeth. To achieve these goals, it is essential to use the correct composites and tools. Step-by step we will be reviewing all the necessary knowledge to fulfill a natural look.
Round Table Discussion
Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Kraków, Poland
1. Apr. 2023
Fascinating Ceramics - Seminar for the dental technicians. ZT Oliver Brix
Both patients and dentists increasingly demand restorations made of all-ceramics that cannot be distinguished from the natural tooth structure. The challenge is to copy nature, achieve a perfect color match and fabricate esthetically superior restorations. This seminar affords you the opportunity to learn all relevant parameters around layering and ceramics. From the principles to high end performance, all steps will be shown and explained to have unlimited access to the world of ceramics.
Join us for the main session of the Dental Spaghetti Congress at the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology. Dr. med. dent. Riccardo Kraus, ZT Oliver Brix, Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix, Dr. Germán Gómez

ZT Oliver Brix

Deutschland, Bad Homburg

Oliver Brix absolvierte seine Ausbildung zum Zahntechniker von 1985 bis 1989. Von da an war er in verschiedenen Dentallaboren und Zahnarztpraxen tätig und spezialisierte sich in den Bereichen Ästhetik und Funktion, Vollkeramik, Biomechanische Kauflächengestaltung sowie Implantatprothetik. Von 1990 bis 2020 nahm Oliver Brix an zahlreichen Fortbildungen im In- und Ausland teil. Seit 1993 gibt er weltweit Fortbildungen und hält Vorträge zum Thema Ästhetik und Keramik. Von 2006 bis 2012 agierte er mit seinem Dentallabor „Innovative Dentaldesign“ in Wiesbaden, seit 2012 findet man ihn nach seinem Umzug in Bad Homburg. Oliver Brix ist internationaler Gastreferent und Berater der Fa. Ivoclar Vivadent und hat sich durch zahlreiche Publikationen zum Thema Keramik und Ästhetik national und international einen Namen gemacht. Seit 1997 ist Oliver Brix Mitglied des Zahntechnischen Arbeitskreises Düsseldorf (ZAD) und seit 2000 Mitglied der DGÄZ. Oliver Brix ist Autor der Fachbücher „Das Einmaleins der Ästhetik“ und „Faszination Vollkeramik“. Von 2004 bis 2016 arbeitete Oliver Brix sehr eng mit Prof. Dr. Daniel Edelhoff zusammen. Er war Mitglied des Editorial Boards der American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) und gibt seit 2009 Kurse am International Center for Dental Education (ICDE) der Ivoclar Vivadent. 2014 wurde Oliver Brix Mitglied der internationalen Bio-Emulation Group.


Dr. Germán Gómez

Spanien, Valencia

Dr. Luis M. Ilzarbe Ripoll

Spanien, Valencia

Dr. med. dent. Riccardo Kraus

Schweiz, Lugano

Prof. Dr. Marco Martignoni

Italien, Rom

Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix

Spanien, Madrid

Javier Tapia Guadix wurde 1978 im spanischen Madrid geboren. Er schloss sein Zahnmedizinstudium 2003 an der Universidad Europea de Madrid ab. 2004 war er  Fakultätsmitglied an der Abteilung für Prothetik. 2005 begann er seine Laufbahn als professioneller Computergrafik-Künstler mit dem Schwerpunkt Illustration, Animation und Anwendungsentwicklung. Zu diesem Zweck gründete er das Unternehmen Juice – Dental Media Design. 2005 erhielt er für seine Arbeit in der Kommission für Neue Technologien die Verdienstauszeichnung des spanischen Zahnärzteverbands (Colegio Español de Dentistas de la I Región). 2011 gründete er zusammen mit Panaghiotis Bazos und Gianfranco Politano die Bio-Emulation Group. Er arbeitet aktiv mit mehreren Universitäten in ganz Europa zusammen und ist Mitglied des GC Restorative Advisory  Board. 2014 wurde er offizieller Reviewer für  das Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry und 2017 für das International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Tapia ist in eigener Praxis in Madrid mit dem Schwerpunkt restaurative Zahnheilkunde und Ästhetik tätig. Seine internationale Referententätigkeit umfasst über 250 Kongresse, Hands-on-Kurse und Live-Kurse. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen auf den Gebieten restaurative Zahnheilkunde, Dentalfotografie und Computer in der Zahnmedizin.


Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Polen, Kraków


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E-Mail: biuro@targi.krakow.pl
Web: https://targi.krakow.pl


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E-Mail: s.bleichert@gcgermany.de
Web: http://www.gcfortbildung.de


Dental Tribune
Web: https://www.dental-tribune.com

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