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    • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

    ZTM Siegbert Witkowski

    Germany, Freiburg

    Since 1988, Siegbert Witkowskihas been working as Chief Dental Technician in the Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital of Freiburg, School of Dentistry (Chair: Prof. Dr. B. Spies; Chair until 2016: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. J.R. Strub). He earned his diploma in Dental Technology from an apprenticeship program in Hannover, Germany. He did postgraduate studies and gained work experience at the following institutions: University of London, Royal Dental Hospital (1983-1984); University of Zürich, School of Dentistry (1984-1986); University of Southern California, School of Dentistry (1986-1988). Mr. Witkowski was certified as a Dental Technician (CDT) by the National Board of Certification of Dental Laboratory Technology (USA) in 1986. In 1991, he earned the diploma of the German Master Dental Technician from the master school in Freiburg, Germany. Siegbert Witkowski was co-editor and -founder of the German journal „Implantologie” [Implantology] (1993-2000). For the monthly journal „Quintessenz der Zahntechnik” [Quintessence Dental Technology] also by Quintessence Publishing (Berlin, Germany) he was serving as editorial board member (1997-2000), vice editor-in-chief (2004-2006) before being appointed as editor-in-chief (2007). In 2001 he was editorial chairman of the „Internationale Zahntechnik Magazin” [International Dental Technology Magazine] published by Flohr Publ. (Rottweil, Germany). He co-authored several book chapters, a textbook for dental students “Curriculum Prothetik” (1. ed. 1994 - 5. ed. 2021), a book on implant prosthodontics „Enossale orale Implantologie aus prosthetischer Sicht“ [Endosseous implantology from the prosthodontic point of view], published in 1996 by Quintessence Publishing and numerous journal articles. In recent past, he co-authored a book on dental CAD/CAM technology together with Prof. Dr. W. Att (Tufts University, Bosten, USA) and Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub (Emeritus, Freiburg) titled “Digital Workflow in Reconstructive Dentistry” published by Quintessence Publishing (2019). Siegbert Witkowski is a member of several national and international professional organizations.


    4 Products found

    Matthias Kern / Stefan Wolfart / Guido Heydecke / Siegbert Witkowski / Jens Christoph Türp / Jörg R. Strub

    Curriculum Prothetik

    Series: Curriculum
    5th revised and expanded Edition 2022
    3 Bände jeweils im Softcover, 16,5 x 24 cm, 1264 pages, 1079 illus
    Language: German
    Categories: Student literature, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
    Stock No.: 22760
    ISBN 978-3-86867-572-6
    QP Deutschland

    118,00 €
    Wael Att / Siegbert Witkowski / Jörg R. Strub (Editor)

    Digital Workflow in Reconstructive Dentistry

    1st Edition 2019
    Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 344 pages, 812 illus
    Language: English
    Categories: Digital dentistry, General Dentistry, Student literature
    Stock No.: 15621
    ISBN 978-1-78698-025-0
    QP Deutschland

    158,00 €
    Siegbert Witkowski / Kerstin Schicha (Editor)

    Ästhetische Analyse

    Klinische und zahntechnische Konzepte und Verfahren

    1. Auflage 2012
    Hardcover, 288 pages, 697 illus
    Language: German
    Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology, Student literature
    Stock No.: 11090
    ISBN 978-3-86867-128-5
    QP Deutschland

    78,00 €38,00 €
    Siegbert Witkowski / Kerstin Schicha (Editor)

    Prep Veneers und Non-Prep Veneers

    Keramische minimalinvasive Restaurationen

    1. Auflage 2010
    Hardcover, 208 pages, 533 illus
    Language: German
    Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Technology
    Stock No.: 18490
    ISBN 978-3-86867-030-1
    QP Deutschland

    78,00 €38,00 €

    Contributions by this author

    ISSN (print) 0340-4641

    QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik

    Issue cycle: Monthly
    Language: German
    Categories: Dental Technology, Prosthodontics
    Editor-in-chief: ZTM Siegbert Witkowski
    QP Deutschland

    198,00 €



    This author's journal articles