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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Maciej Zarow / Walter Devoto / Margarida Henrique / Louis Hardan / Marco Nicastro / Daniele Rondoni


Fantasy | Risk | Success

1. Auflage 2023
Hardcover; 28 x 21 cm; 19 Videos, 352 Seiten, 1526 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

Artikelnr.: 7754
ISBN 978-1-78698-116-5
QP Deutschland


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Veneers is not a book to impress, but a book to teach, wherein the author’s deep knowledge of the foundations of dentistry is revealed. The need to carry out adequate diagnoses that consider functional aspects fundamental to achieving success in this compromised type of treatment is emphasized. The book answers a number of questions: Is veneering a challenge? What do you need to have a predictable key to success in your workshop? And – What did I have to learn and remember well, after an era of uncertainty, trials, and material choices, to treat this therapy as an ordinary but demanding clinical procedure? Through detailed clinical cases, this book shows when veneers are indicated, when to avoid them, what risks lie in wait, how to prepare the teeth, what type of materials to use, and how to proceed with cementation. It also shows where this type of treatment is going in the future, with the incorporation of the digital workflow. This book is a must for clinicians dedicated to esthetic restorative dentistry.

Chapter 01. Why Veneers?

  • Questions the patient may ask

Chapter 02. Porcelain Veneers – Yes or No?

  • Porcelain veneers – why yes?
  • Advantages of veneers from a clinical perspective
  • Porcelain veneers – why no?
  • Absolute contraindications
  • Relative contraindications

Chapter 03. Planning Veneers

  • Medical history
  • Clinical examination
  • Structural risk factors
  • Functional risk factors
  • Photographic documentation
  • Creating a diagnostic wax-up
  • Dental office – dental laboratory communication card
  • Mock-up or test drive veneers

Chapter 04. Dental Morphology

  • Tooth structure
  • Dental morphology
  • The function of incisors and canines
  • Primary anatomy
  • Secondary anatomy
  • Tertiary anatomy
  • Teeth position and gingival architecture – esthetic considerations

Chapter 05. Photography Communication

  • Photography: diagnostic and training importance
  • Photography: dentist’s communication with the dental technician
  • Photography: communication with the patient

Chapter 06. Preparation – Impression – Provisional Veneers

  • Starting the preparation
  • The veneers drive-test (mock-up) before preparation
  • Ten steps for successful preparation
  • Final impression
  • Provisional veneers
  • Preparation dilemmas

Chapter 07. Veneers Cementation

  • Checklist
  • The most important stages of color verification
  • Veneer esthetic evaluation before cementation
  • Adhesive preparation of the veneers
  • Adhesive preparation of the tooth surface
  • Porcelain veneers cementation procedures
  • Procedures after veneers cementation

Chapter 08. Atlas of Clinical Procedures

  • Veneers and teeth with multiple direct restorations
  • Veneers and discolored teeth after root canal treatment
  • Veneers and occlusal problems
  • Constricted chewing pattern
  • Occlusal dysfunction
  • Esthetics and function: A, B, C, D of restorative strategy
  • Veneers: changing the tooth shape
  • Veneers: diastema closure
  • No-prep veneers; partial veneers
  • Veneers: creating symmetry with the prosthetic crown
  • Veneers: creating symmetry with the implant-supported crown
  • Veneer replacement

Chapter 09. Minimally Invasive Veneers or No-Prep Veneers?

  • Preparation techniques
  • Choice of the ceramic material
  • No-prep veneers
  • Chapter 10. Composite Veneers
  • Tooth discoloration after root canal treatment and composite veneers
  • Simplified composite veneers performed with the Style Italiano technique
  • Indirect composite veneers
  • Other solutions for esthetic problems

Chapter 10+ Digital Veneers

  • Porcelain veneers: a digital platform
  • Procedure protocol


  • Advantages of direct composite veneers
  • Advantages of indirect porcelain veneers
  • Parameters for selecting veneers
  • Video list

Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Polen, Kraków

Dr. Marco Nicastro

Italien, Roma

Daniele Rondoni

Italien, Savona
Cover, Zarow: Veneers

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