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  • KVM Verlag
Paul Winston / Daniel Vincent

Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Nerve-Targeted Procedures for Spasticity

1. Auflage 2023
Hardcover; 24 x 30 cm, 180 Seiten, 300 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Allgemeinmedizin

Artikelnr.: 30321
ISBN 978-1-78698-128-8
KVM Verlag

149,00 €

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Dr Paul Winston is a Clinical Associate Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is the past president of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and cofounder of the Canadian Advances in Neuro-Orthopedics for Spasticity Consortium. Dr Vincent is an Interventional Anesthesiologist. The University of British Columbia physicians cofounded the Victoria Peripheral Nerve and Spasticity Clinic to create optimal care pathways for patients with spasticity. They are innovators in the use of ultrasound-guided diagnostic nerve blocks to predict outcomes and select the best treatment as well as pioneers in new cryoneurolysis for spasticity. The Atlas is the ultimate working aid for everyone wanting to improve clinical outcomes and offer optimal care to patients with spasticity. The diagnostic nerve block is a technique to efficiently choose the most appropriate muscles and offer the best treatment, from botulinum neurotoxin to phenolization to surgery to new interventions.

PRECISE, CLEAR, AND CLINICALLY ORIENTED: Chapters include 33 international authors and experts that describe numerous topics from current definitions of spasticity, an explanation of diagnostic nerve blocks, and current concepts in surgical, chemodenervation, and new interventions.

DETAILED PICTORIAL DEMONSTRATIONS: High-quality pictures illustrate the location of the nerve trunks and branches, as well as muscle action, injection sites, and injection protocols techniques for each desired muscle or muscle group.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: There are over 60 videos showing both the injection techniques and clinical vignettes and case studies really linked by your smartphone.

Clinically oriented techniques are approached and visualized precisely in a compact form. The book is ideal for looking up and optimizing your injection technique. The continuous double-page concept allows for effective navigation and for quick retrieval of the desired information with easy access to instructional videos from your smartphone.


Cover, Winston/Vincent: Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Nerve-Targeted Procedures for Spasticity

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