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  • KVM Verlag
Louie Al-Faraje

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology

1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 264 pages, 424 illus
Language: English
Categories: Anatomy, Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery

ISBN 978-0-86715-574-7

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Anatomical textbooks and atlases often fail to meet the clinical demands of defining intraoperative structures for oral implantologists because of the overwhelmingly detailed minutia. Because certain anatomical landmarks are hard to illustrate in a diagram format, students and professionals can be confused when confronted with actual specimens in the dissecting room or in the operatory. This book, however, shows the structures of the maxilla, the mandible, and the nasal cavity as they actually exist in the dissected or live body, through the presentation of cadaver specimens and clinical cases. Several of the chapters include full-page images of specific cadaver sections with all the relevant anatomical parts labeled for convenience. Cone beam computed tomography images are also presented to show how this technology can be used to measure the bone density, the width of the alveolar ridge, and the exact distance available for implant placement under or above certain anatomical landmarks prior to implant selection. This book will simplify the learning and execution of implant-related surgical procedures in a region of the body that presents special topographic and anatomical difficulties.

Capter 01. Arteries, Veins, and Innervation of the Maxilla and the Mandible
Capter 02. Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication
Capter 03. Posterior Maxilla
Capter 04. Anterior Maxilla
Capter 05. Posterior Mandible
Capter 06. Anterior Mandible
Capter 07. Bone Density and Adjacent Teeth
Capter 08. Anatomy for Surgical Emergencies
Capter 09. Topographic Anatomy of the Maxilla and the Mandible
Capter 10. Venipuncture

Dr. Louie Al-Faraje DDS

United States of America, San Diego, CA

Dr. Louie Al-Faraje literally defined and authored the art of Oral Implantology. As a leading authority, he created many classifications and techniques, the standards by which oral implantology surgical procedures can be successfully performed. His name has become synonymous with results-oriented oral implantology treatments around the world. A highly experienced clinician, educator and innovator, Dr. Louie Al-Faraje is continually advancing the protocols for oral implantology surgical treatments. His California Implant Institute in San Diego, California utilizes today's most innovative and effective clinical solutions to create and maintain optimal oral health using dental implants and bone grafting procedures. Additionally, he is a board-certified, practicing oral implantologist in San Diego California, as well as an author and educator, who presented hundreds of lectures and trained hundreds of dentists throughout the world. He is the author of a bestseller textbook Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology published by Quintessence in 2011 and available in 7 languages, Oral Implantology Surgical Procedures Checklist Quintessence 2012, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology Quintessence 2013, Oral Implantology Review Quintessence 2016 and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI). Dr. Louie Al-Faraje received his medical education at Kiev Medical School/ faculty of Stomatology and followed by postdoctoral training at Loma Linda University in California. Visit his website at: www.implanteducation.net

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