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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Frank Kaiser

Attachments in the Laboratory

1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 316 Seiten, 840 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Prothetik, Zahntechnik

Artikelnr.: 15131
ISBN 978-0-86715-588-4

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Understanding the diversity of attachment systems available for removable partial prostheses requires a great deal of knowledge and careful attention. With more than 200 attachment systems available on the market, few clinicians or technicians will have sufficient experience to be familiar with them all or know how best to restore their function. This unique atlas provides a meticulous study of approximately 75 different types of attachments, some no longer readily found on the market. The classification of these connectors by concept (function; mechanism; and location, such as intracoronary, extracoronary, on bars, or for overdentures) allows for better clinical decision making and improved communication between dentists and laboratory technicians. A complete study of the laboratory procedures based on the author's extensive experience are detailed step-by-step, enhanced by objective explanations, 3D schemata, and detailed photographs. A visual attachment index at the back of the book facilitates identification of attachment systems and makes this book an invaluable reference for every dental technician.

Chapter 1. Laboratory Procedures
Chapter 2. Intracoronal Attachments
Chapter 3. Extracoronal Attachments
Chapter 4. Attachments on Bars
Chapter 5. Attachments for Overdentures
Chapter 6. Attachments for Telescopic Crowns
Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 216 Seiten, 720 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
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Atlas of Dental Rehabilitation Techniques

1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 416 Seiten, 1496 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Prothetik, Zahntechnik

Artikelnr.: 14771
ISBN 978-88-7492-178-2
QP Italy

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