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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Ruth Freeman / Gerry Humphris

Communicating in Dental Practice

Stress-Free Dentistry and Improved Patient Care

Reihe: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 30
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 116 Seiten, 24 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Patientenaufklärung, Praxismanagement

Artikelnr.: 31291
ISBN 978-1-85097-099-6
QP United Kingdom

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This book focuses on major communication challenges in clinical practice—that is, communicating effectively with anxious, "difficult", or dissatisfied patients; communicating and integrating preventive and oral health messages and education in primary dental care; and finding ways to improve patient care without adding to the stress of frontline clinical practice. Implementing the strategies devised by these international experts can dramatically improve the success of any dental practice.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Basic Communication Skills
Chapter 3. Advanced Communication Skills
Chapter 4. Communicating in Special Dental Situations
Chapter 5. Understanding and Finding Solutions: The Dentally Anxious Patient
Chapter 6. Understanding and Finding Solutions: The "Difficult" and Dissatisfied Patient
Chapter 7. Preventive Health Principles for Dental Practice
Chapter 8. Integrating Oral Health Education into Primary Dental Care
Chapter 9. Communication, Stress and Improved Patient Care
Cover, Freeman/Humphris: Communicating in Dental Practice
"The book is easy to read and through the 9 chapters will cover basic and advanced communication skills with chapters on treating the dentally anxious and on preventing complaints, ending with a list of those things which stress us the most and ways of removing tensions within your working life."
The GDP (August 2008)

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Die gedruckte Ausgabe ist vergriffen. Bestellen Sie das E-Book über die Partner-Links.

Lance Brendan Young / Cynthia Rozek O'Toole / Bianca Wolf

Communication Skills for Dental Health Care Providers

1st Edition 2015
Softcover, 352 Seiten
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Kategorien: Fachübergreifend, Praxismanagement

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