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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Maciej Zarow

Endodontie et Prothèse

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 310 Seiten, 1900 Abbildungen
Sprache: Französisch
Kategorien: Endodontie, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

ISBN 9782366150452
QP France


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Ce livre très clinique décrit les grands principes de la décision thérapeutique concernant l’endodontie et la reconstruction prothétique des dents dépulpées. Comment éviter les fractures ? Reprendre un traitement ou bien remplacer la dent par un implant ? Reconstitution directe ou indirecte ? Éclaircissement des dents dépulpées ? Utilisation de tenons fibrés ? Gestion des lésions sous-gingivales ? Facettes ou couronnes tout céramique ? L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de répondre à ces questions et d’aider le praticien à prendre les bonnes décisions. Nombreux exemples cliniques très illustrés, la description des protocoles cliniques. 


Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Polen, Kraków

He received his dental degree from the Faculty of Dentistry at Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary). Upon his graduation, Maciej pursued a Doctor of Medical Sciences title, obtained after pass with honors for his dissertation defense on composite inlays-onlays in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Maciej has been a long-time researcher and lecturer, working with dental students at the Department of Propedeutics of Conservative Dentistry of CMUJ, Krakow. During his International Association of Dental Research scholarship, he conducted research work on adhesive bridges (FDPs) as well as the restoration of endodontically treated teeth at the universities of Leeds and Manchester. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Chieti (Italy), and visiting lecturer the UIC University (Barcelona). In 2021 he became a mentor at the prestigious Kois Center in Seattle. In 1999 Maciej established his private practice “Dentist” in Krakow and maintains it with his energetic attitude and everlasting passion. Maciej takes pride in being Editor-in-Chief of the Quintessence for Dentists journal. His book, EndoProsthodontics: A Guide for Clinical Practice, has achieved success and is now published in English, Chinese, Croatian, French, and Russian. He has authored more than 80 scientific papers in both national and international journals. Maciej is also an active member in the Italian restorative dentistry research group “Style Italiano,” as well as the Polish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. In 2019 he became a certified member of European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry.