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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Bertrand Khayat / Guillaume Jouanny

Microsurgical Endodontics

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm; included videos via App, 260 Seiten, 556 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Endodontie

Artikelnr.: 22271
ISBN 978-2-36615-057-5
QP France

195,00 €
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Augmented reality in this book:
1. Download the app "Microsurgical Endodontics" on the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
2. Locate clinical photographs with the augmented reality symbol.
3. Roll over these photos with your smartphone or tablet with the application to play the videos.

Choosing the right approach to endodontic treatment is important because failure can lead directly to extraction. Endodontic surgery is a therapeutic solution that is too often overlooked, which is surprising given that it is a reliable technique with a very high success rate. Not only is endodontic surgery more conservative than conventional endodontic treatment, but it can also be used to resolve difficulties that are inaccessible by a conventional approach. Written by two specialists in the discipline, this book outlines predictable surgical strategies and presents more than a hundred clinical cases through each stage of treatment. This book provides concrete and practical information so that endodontists who want to implement surgical techniques can approach their first cases with the knowledge they need.

Chapter 01. Indications
• Presence of a lesion after a satisfactory treatment or retreatment
• Presence of a lesion after a nonsatisfactory treatment or retreatment
• Failure of a previous surgery
• Surgical treatment as the sole treatment: retrograde root canal treatment

Chapter 02. Contraindications
• Medical contraindications
• Local contraindications

Chapter 03. Preoperative examination, prescriptions, informed consent and postoperative instructions
• Preoperative examination
• Prescriptions in endodontic surgery
• Informed consent and postoperative instructions

Chapter 04. Optical aids and armamentarium
• Optical aids
• Instrumentation and materials

Chapter 05. Ergonomics and working positions
• Work environment
• Practitioner's position
• Patient and microscope position
• Four-handed work in endodontic surgery

Chapter 06. Anesthesia
• Instruments
• Anesthesia protocol

Chapter 07. Soft tissue anatomy and incision design
• Soft tissue anatomy
• Incisions
• Different types of flaps
• Flap designs

Chapter 08. Flap elevation and suturing
• Flap elevation and retraction
• Sutures

Chapter 09. Osteotomy, resection, curettage and hemostasis
• Osteotomy
• Apical resection
• Curettage
• Hemostasis
• Precautions per area
• Biopsy

Chapter 10. Retrograde canal preparation
• Objectives of retrograde canal preparation
• Ultrasonics
• Technical guide

Chapter 11. Retrograde obturation
• Root-end filling materials
• Technique

Chapter 12. Outcome, regenerative procedures and complications
• Outcome
• Regenerative procedures
• Postoperative patient management
• Complications


Dr. Bertrand Khayat

Frankreich, Paris

Doctor in dental surgery
Certificate in endodontics, University of Washington, USA
Master of science in dentistry, University of Washington, USA
Adjunct assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Studium der Zahnmedizin [1982] an der Universität Paris Diderot. Spezialisierung in Endodontie und Master of Science [1988] an der University of Washington. Als Pionier am Operationsmikroskop entwickelte er zudem mehrere chirurgische Instrumente, darunter Ultraschallspitzen für die retrograde Wurzelkanalpräparation. Dr. Khayat hält weltweit Vorträge zur endontischen Chirurgie und betreibt eine private Praxis für konventionelle und chirurgische Endodontie in Paris.


Dr. Guillaume Jouanny

Frankreich, Paris

Doctor in dental surgery
Certificate in endodontics, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Clinical instructor, University of Paris Descartes, France

Studium der Zahnmedizin [2008] an der Universität Paris Descartes. Spezialisierung in Endodontie [2015] und umfangreiche Beschäftigung mit mikrochirurgischer Endodontie an der University of Pennsylvania. Seit seiner Rückkehr nach Frankreich Dozent an der Universität Paris Descartes. Dr. Guillaume Jouanny betreibt eine private Praxis in Paris und hält weltweit Vorträge zur chirurgischen Endodontie und anderen endodontischen Themen.

Cover, Khayat/Jouanny: Microsurgical Endodontics

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