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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Vincenzo Musella

Modern Esthetic Dentistry

An A to Z Guided Workflow

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 24 x 28 cm, 456 Seiten, 1358 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Zahnheilkunde allgemein, Zahntechnik

Artikelnr.: 20681
ISBN 978-88-7492-038-9
QP Italy

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Ein Buch – ein Baum: Für jedes verkaufte Quintessenz-Buch pflanzen wir gemeinsam mit der Organisation „One Tree Planted“ einen Baum, um damit die weltweite Wiederaufforstung zu unterstützen.

This atlas synthesizes the latest technologic advances in esthetic dentistry and shows how to successfully integrate them into clinical practice. Part I begins with a chapter on dental photography that focuses on the correct settings and use of equipment needed to obtain high-quality images for documentation and communication with patients and the laboratory. Subsequent chapters present the steps involved in the esthetic preview, which provides the opportunity to try out a proposed treatment and make adjustments before undertaking any procedures, increasing patient acceptance and satisfaction. Part II presents clinical cases demonstrating the inverse layering technique for direct and indirect restorations, and Part III features clinical cases showcasing both traditional and alternative uses of lithium disilicate, an advanced restorative material with high esthetic potential and good strength. This is an excellent resource for clinicians looking to incorporate the latest techniques for predictable and stable esthetic results.

Part I. Esthetic Preview
1. Basic Notions of Digital Photography
2. Direct System
3. Direct and CAD/CAM Systems
4. Rehabilitation with Pressed Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers Without Preparation
5. Rehabilitation with Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers with Minimal Preparation
6. Rehabilitation with Stratified Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers on a Refractory Die Without Preparation
7. Complex Rehabilitation with Lithium Disilicate Veneers and Pressed Metal-Ceramic Crowns
8. Complex Rehabilitation with Lithium Disilicate

Part II. Inverse Layering Technique: Direct and Indirect Inverse Stratification
1. Introducing the Technique: Indirect Restoration of a Mandibular Right First Molar
2. Indirect Restoration from Maxillary Second Premolar to Second Molar
3. Indirect Restoration of Bilateral Mandibular First and Second Molars
4. Indirect Restoration: A Complex Rehabilitation
5. Introducing the Technique: Class II Direct Restoration of a Maxillary Left First Molar
6. Class I Direct Restoration of a Mandibular Right First Molar

Part III. Lithium Disilicate: Lithium Disilicate Inlays and Feldspathic Ceramic Veneers
1. Medium-Translucency Lithium Disilicate: Painting Technique
2. Low-Translucency Lithium Disilicate: Painting Technique
3. Lithium Disilicate with Graduated Shade
4. Layered Lithium Disilicate
5. High-Opacity Lithium Disilicate Copings
6. High-Opacity Lithium Disilicate Copings
7. Clinical Case: Medium-Opacity Lithium Disilicate Copings
8. Clinical Case: Medium-Opacity Lithium Disilicate Implant Abutment
9. Clinical Case: Medium-Opacity Lithium Disilicate Implant Abutment


Vincenzo Musella DMD, MDT

Italien, Montale Rangone

Vincenzo Musella, DMD, MDT ist seit vielen Jahren als Zahntechniker tätig und widmet sich insbesondere der Herstellung prothetischer Restaurationen mit höchstem ästhetischem Anspruch. Auch nach seinem Studium der Zahnmedizin blieb er der Zahntechnik treu und übt diesen Beruf heute unter Anwendung modernster Technologien weiterhin aus. Dank seiner zahnmedizinischen und zahntechnischen Qualifikation kann Vincenzo Musella beide Fachgebiete im Rahmen seiner täglichen Arbeit optimal verbinden.

Cover, Musella: Modern Esthetic Dentistry

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