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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Ashok Sethi / Thomas Kaus

Practical Implant Dentistry

The Science and Art

2nd Edition 2012
Hardcover, 408 Seiten, 1208 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Parodontologie, Prothetik

Artikelnr.: 19591
ISBN 978-1-85097-223-5
QP United Kingdom

178,00 € 58,00 €
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The science and art of implant dentistry encompasses both complex surgical protocols and advanced prosthodontics, and no beginner can achieve excellence in this discipline without a clear understanding of the step-by-step guidelines. This established textbook, written by clinicians for clinicians, presents evidence-based protocols and focuses on the technical skill and practical craftsmanship that are essential to predictable outcomes in implant placement, augmentation, and restoration. Detailed clinical algorithms facilitate understanding of the various treatment options available, and checklists ensure that the proper protocol is followed before advancing to the next phase of therapy. Updated throughout, the book now features new sections on the use of cone beam imaging, computer-based diagnostics, and CAD/CAM restorative laboratory procedures. This book provides the perfect introduction to implantology with instruction to advance the skills and extend the clinical scope of every practitioner.

Section I. Introduction and Assessment
Chapter 01. Introduction
Chapter 02. Patient Selection and Treatment Philosophy
Chapter 03. Patient Assessment
Chapter 04. Medical Evaluation and Patient Management
Chapter 05. Additional Diagnostic Procedures
Chapter 06. Anatomical Variations

Section II. Implant Placement: Surgery and Prosthodontics
Chapter 07. Immediate Placement and Computer-guided Surgery
Chapter 08. Delayed Placement in Adequate Bone with Mature Ridge
Chapter 09. Delayed Loading: Implant Exposure
Chapter 10. Restorative Phase: Prosthetic Protocols

Section III. Augmentation
Chapter 11. Overview
Chapter 12. Bone Expansion
Chapter 13. Localised Onlay Bone Grafts
Chapter 14. Extensive Bone Grafts
Chapter 15. Posterior Maxilla
Chapter 16. Posterior Mandible
Chapter 17. Corrective Soft Tissue Surgery
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