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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Nearchos C. Panayi (Hrsg.)

DIY Orthodontics

Design It Yourself

1. Auflage 2021
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 232 Seiten, 534 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Kieferorthopädie

Artikelnr.: 23511
ISBN 978-1-64724-051-6

138,00 €
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Since its recognition as the first specialty of dentistry, the practice of orthodontics has been influenced by the development of new materials, techniques, bracket designs and prescriptions, appliances, and software. However, never before has there been as revolutionary a change as digitization. Digitization and automation are transforming the entire landscape of how orthodontics is practiced, and the consequence is the “do it yourself” concept. With the technology available today with intraoral scanning, CBCT imaging, and CAD software, we can create the virtual patient and manipulate dental models virtually. Not only does this enable better and more precise treatment planning, but it also facilitates better communication with the patient. Perhaps most exciting is that it permits in-house designing and printing of the majority of orthodontic appliances. This book describes the current digital technology that is used in orthodontics, including volume and surface scanning, 3D printing, CAD software, and artificial intelligence, before delving into a “design it yourself” guide presenting the application of this technology in all aspects of orthodontic treatment. It describes all the necessary technologic ingredients to be used in a self-sufficient digital orthodontic clinic, and it focuses on the in-house design and production of tailor-made appliances by digitally diagnosing and evaluating the virtual patient and then creating an individualized treatment plan. Now you can design your own expanders, retainers, clear aligners, brackets, indirect bonding trays, and even wires with a wire-bending robot. It is incredible what technology has to offer; we just have to have the courage to learn and experiment with it. For the benefit of our patients, the challenge is laid.


Chapter 01. Introduction

3D Technology in Orthodontics
Chapter 02. CBCT in Orthodontics
Chapter 03. Surface Scanning
Chapter 04. Additive Manufacturing
Chapter 05. Orthodontic Office Digital Workflow

3D Applications in Orthodontics
Chapter 06. In-House Custom Appliance Design
Chapter 07. Custom Appliance Design with the Laboratory
Chapter 08. In-House Customized Orthodontic Brackets: UBrackets Software
Chapter 09. In-House Customized Lingual Orthodontic Appliances
Chapter 10. In-House Clear Aligners
Chapter 11. In-House Digital Indirect Bonding
Chapter 12. In-House Orthognathic Surgical Splints

The Future of Orthodontics
Chapter 13. In-House Orthodontic Archwire-Bending Robots
Chapter 14. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Orthodontics


Evangelos Akli • Federico Hernández Alfaro • Silvia Allegrini • Christos Angelopoulos • Moshe Davidovitch • Spyridonas Efstathiou • Alfredo Gilbert • Ioannis Gkiaouris • Cristina Grippaudo • Santiago Isaza • Rosalia Leonardi • Manolis Mavrikis • George Michelinakis • Ambrosina Michelotti • Stefano Negrini • Riccardo Nucera • Adaia Valls Ontañón • Nearchos C. Panayi • Chris Riolo • Rafi Romano • Kostas Tsiklakis • Apostolos I. Tsolakis



Dr. Nearchos C. Panayi DDS, DOrth, MOrth

Zypern, Limassol
Nearchos C. Panayi, DDS, DOrth, MOrth, is an orthodontist based in Limassol, Cyprus. He is a scientific collaborator at the European University Cyprus, Dental school and a visiting Research Scientist at the Clinic of Orthodontics,Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, in Switzerland. He studied dentistry at Athens Dental School (1992–1997) and orthodontics at Tel Aviv University (1998–2001) before building his private practice, which has grown into two fully digital orthodontic offices in Limassol and Larnaca, Cyprus. His passion for digital technology encouraged him to use it in orthodontics, and as a huge fan of the in-house 3D designing and printing concept in orthodontics, Dr Panayi has helped develop concepts, ideas, and methods that will transform traditional orthodontics to customized-centered digital orthodontics. He is the inventor of the orthodontic CAD software Ubrackets for in-house designing of customized fixed orthodontic appliances, and he introduced the use of general-purpose CAD software in orthodontics for orthodontic appliance design. He is the editor of «DIY, Design It Yourself Orthodontics» book that was released by Quintessence USA in July 2021. He is a co-author in other orthodontics books and published articles on in –house customized brackets, aligner printing and bracket material research. He is an associate editor of the “Progress in Orthodontics” journal. He is married and has six children.
Cover, Panayi: DIY Orthodontics

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