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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland


89 Products found

Daniel Buser / Urs C. Belser / Daniel Wismeijer (Editor)

Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone

Single-Tooth Replacements

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series, Volume 01
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 268 pages, 763 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 13581
ISBN 978-3-938947-10-4
QP Deutschland

Armin Herforth

Parodontologie für die Zahnmedizinische Fachassistentin

4. Auflage 2006
Softcover, 168 pages, 173 illus
Language: German
Categories: Dental Team, Periodontics
Stock No.: 13280
ISBN 978-3-87652-676-8
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Iain L. C. Chapple / John Hamburger

Periodontal Medicine

A Window on the Body

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 43/44
1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 274 pages, 262 illus
Language: English
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 31421
ISBN 978-1-85097-079-8
QP United Kingdom

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Federico Hernández Alfaro

Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology

Techniques and Clinical Applications

1st Edition 2006
Hardcover, 234 pages, 1000 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics
Stock No.: 13431
ISBN 978-1-85097-103-0
QP United Kingdom

Product out of print.

Roger Detienville

Clinical Success in Management of Advanced Periodontitis

Series: Clinical Success
1st edition 2006
Softcover, 120 pages, 202 illus colored
Language: English
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 11631
ISBN 978-2-912550-41-5
QP France

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Per Axelsson

Preventive Materials, Methods and Programs

Preventive Dentistry Volume 4

1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 662 pages, 607 illus
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Periodontics, Prophylaxis, Restorative Dentistry
Stock No.: 13341
ISBN 978-0-86715-364-4
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Valerie Clerehugh / Aradhna Tugnait / Iain L. C. Chapple

Periodontal Management of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 17
1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 204 pages, 135 illus
Language: English
Categories: Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics
Stock No.: 31161
ISBN 978-1-85097-071-2
QP United Kingdom

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Peter A. Heasman / Philip M. Preshaw / Pauline Robertson

Successful Periodontal Therapy

A Non-Surgical Approach

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 16
1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 132 pages, 78 illus
Language: English
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 31151
ISBN 978-1-85097-074-3
QP United Kingdom

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Suzanne L. Noble / Margaret Kellett / Iain L. C. Chapple

Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 11
1st Edition 2003
Hardcover, 172 pages, 144 illus
Language: English
Categories: Periodontics, Practice Management
Stock No.: 31101
ISBN 978-1-85097-063-7
QP United Kingdom

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.

Roger Detienville

Die Behandlung schwerer Parodontitiden

1. Auflage 2003
Softcover, 120 pages, 213 illus
Language: German
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 11630
ISBN 978-3-87652-638-6
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Iain L. C. Chapple / Angela Gilbert

Understanding Periodontal Diseases

Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures in Practice

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 01
1st Edition 2003
Hardcover, 176 pages, 138 illus
Language: English
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 31001
ISBN 978-1-85097-053-8
QP United Kingdom

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.

Per Axelsson

Diagnosis and Risk Prediction of Periodontal Diseases

Preventive Dentistry Volume 3

1st Edition 2002
Hardcover, 472 pages, 480 illus
Language: English
Categories: Periodontics, Prophylaxis
Stock No.: 13331
ISBN 978-0-86715-363-7
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Naoshi Sato

Cirugía periodontal

Atlas clínico

1st Edition 2002
Hardcover, 448 pages, 2820 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Periodontics
ISBN 978-84-898-73-27-8
QP Spain

Ralf E. Mutschelknauß

Lehrbuch der klinischen Parodontologie

1. Auflage 2001
Hardcover, 832 pages, 1150 illus
Language: German
Categories: Periodontics, Student literature
Stock No.: 14150
ISBN 978-3-87652-414-6
QP Deutschland

Naoshi Sato

Periodontal Surgery

A Clinical Atlas

1st Edition 2000
Hardcover, 448 pages, 2820 illus
Language: English
Category: Periodontics
Stock No.: 10691
ISBN 978-0-86715-377-4
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Manfred Straßburg / Gerdt Knolle

Farbatlas und Lehrbuch der Mundschleimhauterkrankungen

Mundumgebung – Lippen – Mundschleimhaut

3., vollständig neu bearbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage 1991
Hardcover, 800 pages, 1000 illus
Language: German
Categories: Periodontics, General Dentistry, Student literature
Stock No.: 11000
ISBN 978-3-87652-099-5
QP Deutschland