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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Thilo Damaskos / Wiebke Ohlendorf

Composite filling (#55), fissure sealing (#54), and deciduous tooth crowns (#61, #62)

21 Minutes

Category: Conservative Dentistry
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2008
Video source: Dental Video Journal
Series: Dental Video Journal


  • Composite filling - Tooth #55
  • Fissure sealing - Tooth #54
  • Deciduous tooth crowns - Teeth #61 and #62

Materials Checklist
Rubberdam, Sigma Dental Sytems
Strip crowns for deciduous teeth (FRASACO)
Ultra-Etch 35%, Ultradent
Optibond FL Prime & Adhesive, Kerr
Ceram X duo Compules (DENTSPLY DE TREY)
Fissurit, Voco
Rubberdam, Sigma Dental Sytems

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