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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann

Göttingen, Germany
28. Feb 2014
WS C: Der Weg zur eigenen Praxis: Praxisgründung, Übernahme einer Bestandspraxis oder Berufsausübungsgemeinschaft (BAG). Die ersten Schritte zur Selbstständigkeit anhand von Fallbeispielen Petra Soboll, Prof. Dr. Johannes Georg Bischoff
, Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
Eröffnung Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann, Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel, Dr. Jörg-Peter Husemann, Johannes W. Wolters
Was muss ich wissen? Diagnostik in der Endodontie - Fall & Fakten Dr. Dr. Frank Sanner, Dr. Oliver Johannes Pontius
In some cases, endodontic procedures are not followed by success. In this case presentation multiple endodontic as well as dental treatments were employed. Differential diagnosis such as osteomyelitis and "persistent-dento-alveolar pain" were to be considered, especially since the patient still remains symptomatic after years of treatment. This case presentation gives the opportunity to discuss the significance and usefulness of different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The discussion of the different choices is also applicable to many other endodontic challenges.
Pause und Besuch der Dentalausstellung
Wen kann ich wie behandeln? Allgemeinmedizinische Aspekte der Endodontie - Fälle & Fakten Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann, Prof. Dr. Edgar Schäfer
Was kann ich sehen? Die Dentale Volumen-Tomographie in der Endodontie Fälle & Fakten Dr. Jörg Schröder, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bürklein
Verleihung der Ewald-Harndt-Medaille, im Anschluss Get Together bis ca. 22 Uhr Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann

Göttingen, Germany
1. Mar 2014
Apikale Probleme beginnen koronal - Fehler bei der Präparation der Zugangskavität und ihre mögliche Vermeidung Dr. Christian Friedrichs
Präparation mit nur einer NiTi-Feile? Werbung oder Wirklichkeit - Fall & Fakten Dr. Oliver Johannes Pontius, Prof. Dr. David Sonntag
Pause und Besuch der Dentalausstellung
Die Wurzelkanalfüllung. Wie und womit? Methoden und Materialien - Fall & Fakten Dr. Helmut Walsch, Dr. Hans-Willi Herrmann
Pause und Besuch der Dentalausstellung
Krone oder Krönung? Die postendodontischen Restaurationen - Fälle und Fakten Prof. Dr. Gabriel Krastl
Spülzwischenfälle: Entstehung und Management - Fälle & Fakten Dr. Sabine Nordmeyer
Pause und Besuch der Dentalausstellung
Mythos oder Realität? Der mb2: Diagnostik und Management - Fälle & Fakten Dr. Helmut Walsch
Instrumentenfrakturen: Prävention und Management - Fall & Fakten Dipl.-Stom. Michael Arnold

Dipl.-Stom. Michael Arnold

Germany, Dresden

1985-1990: Studium Zahnmedizin Universität Leipzig. 1990-1994: Landtagsabgeordneter Freistaat Sachsen, NEUES FORUM. 1995-2003: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universitätsklinikum Dresden. 2001: Carl Gustav Carus-Lehrpreis der TU Dresden. Seit 2003: Privatpraxis für Endodontie und Zahnerhaltung. Seit 2007: Spezialist in Endodontolgie der DGZ Spezialist Endodontologie der DGET Certified Member ESE Dozent Masterstudiengang der DGP. 2011: Peter Guldener Praktikerpreis der Zeitschrift Endodontie. Seit 2013: Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Zeitschrift Endodontie. 2013: Peter Guldener Praktikerpreis der Zeitschrift Endodontie. Seit 2015: Dozent Endodontie-Curriculum der LZK Sachsen; Schwerpunkt Mikrobiologie und Desinfektion. 2016: Ernennung zur Kooperationspraxis der zahnmedizinischen Ausbildung der Universitätsklinik Dresden. 2016: DGZ-Oral-B-Preis (2. Platz / Kategorie Vortrag) Vitalerhaltung nach mikrobieller Infektion eines Dens invaginatus.


Prof. Dr. Johannes Georg Bischoff

Germany, Köln

Prof. Dr Johannes G. Bischoff is a tax consultant and managing majority shareholder of Prof. Dr Bischoff und Partner AG, a tax consultancy for dentists in Cologne, Chemnitz and Berlin. With more than 130 employees, the company advises around 1,000 dentists, orthodontists and dental MVZs throughout Germany on tax, legal and business management issues. Prof. Bischoff developed the PraxisNavigation management tool together with students of business administration at the University of Wuppertal and practice owners. This is a report that depicts economic issues of the practice using easy-to-understand graphics - a reliable basis for entrepreneurial decisions. Prof. Bischoff is currently developing digital structures within the framework of a start-up to optimise payment transactions in the practice of tomorrow.


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bürklein

Germany, Münster

2003: Degree in Dentistry; 2003–2006: Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Münster, Germany; 2005: DDS; 2006–2010: Graduation as a specialist in oral surgery in the Dental Clinic of Bochum, Germany (Head: Prof. Dr. H.-P. Jöhren); 2009: Certified specialist in Endodontology of the DGET (German Society of Endodontology and Dental Traumatology); 2010: Specialist in Oral Surgery; since 2011: Deputy Head of the Central Interdisciplinary Outpatient Clinic in the School of Dentistry, University of Münster, Germany.


Dr. Christian Friedrichs

Germany, Kiel

Dr. Hans-Willi Herrmann

Germany, Bad Kreuznach

Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann

Germany, Göttingen

Michael Hülsmann lectured at the University of Göttingen from 1983 to 2021, is visiting professor at the University of Zurich and works part-time in a dental practice. He is editor-in-chief of the journal ENDODONTIE and author of numerous books and scientific publications on endodontic topics.


Prof. Dr. Gabriel Krastl

Germany, Würzburg

ZA Klaus Lauterbach

Germany, Plankstadt Heidelberg

Dr. Sabine Nordmeyer

Germany, Berlin

Dr. Oliver Johannes Pontius MSD

Germany, Bad Homburg
Dr. Oliver Pontius maintains a private office limited to endodontics in Bad Homburg, Germany. He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Postgraduate Endodontic Program at the University Diderot, Paris VII, France . Dr. Pontius received his DMD degree from the University of Heidelberg, a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Endodontics and a Master of Science in Endodontics from Boston University. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics, a specialist member of the American Association of Endodontists, the European Society of Endodontology, the German Society of Endodontology as well as an active member of the European Academy of Estehtic Dentistry. He is lecturing worlwide.

Dr. Dr. Frank Sanner

Germany, Frankfurt (Main)

Prof. Dr. Edgar Schäfer

Germany, Münster
2006: Call as chair of the Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology at the University of Leipzig. Since 2007: Managing Editor-in-Chief of "ENDO-Endodontic Practice Today". Since 2008: Head of the Central Interdisciplinary Ambulance in the School of Dentistry, University of Münster, Germany. Since 2011: Executive board member of the German Association of Endodontology and dental Traumatology (DGET). Since 2012: Associate Editor "Odontology". 2014-2016: President of the German Association of Operative Dentistry (DGZ).

Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel

Germany, Berlin

Dr. Jörg Schröder

Germany, Berlin
1982-1988: Studying dentistry at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. 1988-1992: Working in a private office in Berlin. 1993: Own private office in Berlin. 2003: Continuing education in endodontics. 2005: Main focus on endodontics, working on referral base. 2005: National & international lectures & hands-on-courses. 2006: Certified Member ESE (European Society of Endodontology). 2007-2009: Member of the board of DG Endo (German Society of Endodontics). 2009: Founder member of "Wurzelspitze"-Blog. 2012: Fellow International College of Dentists (ICD). 2013: Private office limited to Endodontology.

Petra Soboll

Germany, Köln

Born in 1982, Mrs. Petra Soboll studied at the University of Wuppertal economics with a focus on controlling and completed a Master of Business Administration. She has been working for the tax consulting firm PROF. DR. BISCHOFF & PARTNER® AG since 2008 and supports dentists in business issues. One of her focuses is the development of planning tools for dentists, for example, Planrad®, a salary calculator for founder.


Prof. Dr. David Sonntag

Germany, Frankfurt

David Sonntag is a specialist in endodontics and has been head of the Endodontology Master's program at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf since 2010. He works in private practice as an endodontist and advises companies on the development of NiTi instruments. He has lectured in the field of endodontology in Germany and abroad and has published on this topic since more than 20 years.


Dr. Helmut Walsch

Germany, München

Dr. Helmut Walsch graduated from the Dental School of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany in 1994, where he also received his doctoral degree in 1996. He completed the full time postgraduate Endodontic and earned a Master of Science in Endodontics/Oral Biology degree at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a founding member and former board member of the German Society of Endodontology (DGET). He maintains a private practice limited to Micro-Endodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery in Munich and serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Endodontic Department, University of Pennsylvania. He is a Diplomate of the AAE and a certified member of the ESE and EDA (European Dental Association) and honorary member of the VDZE.


Johannes W. Wolters

Organizer/Event registration

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