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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart

Aachen, Germany
26. Feb 2016
Workshop I (Core3dcenters Germany): Der digitale Workflow - vom DVT-Scan, über den Mundscan bis zur Planung und Konstruktion Ralph Ziereis, Dr. Helmut Kesler
Eröffnung und Begrüßung
Minimalinvasiv präparierte Onlays - hilfreich zur Korrektur der Bisslage Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer
Adhäsivbrücken - Die Implantatalternative? Dr. Christoph Bothung
Stiftaufbauten - kurz oder lang / Glasfaser oder Keramik? Prof. Dr. Michael Naumann
Pause / Dentalausstellung
Verkürzte Zahnreihen: praxistaugliches Konzept oder Unterversorgung? Prof. Dr. Michael Walter
Vollkeramische Inlaybrücken - Die Brückenalternative? OA Dr. Mohamed Sad Chaar
Adhäsivattachments - Die Teleskopalternative? Prof. Dr. Matthias Kern
Diskussion: "Abgehoben oder alltagstauglich?"
Verleihung der Ewald-Harndt-Medaille Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel
Get together im Estrel Festival Center
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart

Aachen, Germany
27. Feb 2016
Monolithische Restaurationen - Auch in der ästhetischen Zone? Dr. Urs Brodbeck
Kieferorthopädische Extrusion - So werden Zähne wieder versorgbar! Prof. Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder, PD Dr. Christian Mehl
Subgingival crown fractures in the esthetic zone provide the dentist with a difficult task. One hand, the fracture should be sufficiently covered by the later restoration, but on the other hand, the periodontal structures should not be damaged and the biological width should be left untouched. If the tooth to be obtained, the treatment of such complications by extrusion of the root with the aid of orthodontic appliances, magnet or extrusion can be effected. These possibilities often represent the most aesthetically and functionally better alternative to a surgical crown lengthening. Our contribution is to show possibilities for gentle extrusion of a root with the help of magnets.
Rehabilitation bei Bruxismus - wie viel Funktion braucht der Patient? Dr. Diether Reusch
Pause / Dentalausstellung
Prothetische Rehabilitation des multimorbiden älteren Menschen Prof. Dr. Christian E. Besimo
Kommunikation Patient, Praxis und Labor - Nutze die Digitalisierung! Dr. Andreas Kurbad
Diskussion: "Abgehoben oder alltagstauglich?"
Mittagspause / Dentalausstellung
Weichgewebsmanagement im Rahmen von implantologischen Frontzahnversorgungen PD Dr. Arndt Happe
Monolithische Restaurationen auf Implantaten - Alles digital! Prof. Dr. Sven Reich
Vollkeramischer Abutments - Praxisreif? PD Dr. med. dent. Anja Zembic
Pause / Dentalausstellung
Abgewinkelte Verschraubung - Das Ende der Zementierung? Nizameddin Ayik, ZTM Volker Weber
Implantatversorgung beim funktionsgestörten Patienten - Chance oder Risiko? Prof. Dr. Marc Schmitter
Kurze Implantate, lange Kronen - wo ist die Grenze? PD Dr. Paul Weigl
Diskussion: "Abgehoben oder alltagstauglich?"

Nizameddin Ayik

Germany, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Christian E. Besimo

Switzerland, Brunnen

Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer MME

Germany, Berlin

From 1994 to 1999, Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer studied at the Dental School of the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany, where he gained his license to practice (DDS) in 2000. From 2000 to 2001, he worked as an employed dentist in a private practice. In 2002, he became assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics of the Ludwig Maximilian University and made his Dissertation (Dr. med. dent.) in the same year. He became Specialist in Implantology (German Society for Implantology) in 2005. From 2007 to 2008, he worked as a Visiting Professor at the Pacific Dental Institute in Portland, Oregon (Director: John A. Sorensen DMD, PhD). His habilitation (Priv. Doz., PhD) was in 2009 at the LMU. From 2009 to 2015, he was the Vice President of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (DGAEZ)". In 2010, he became an Expert in Prosthodontics after a further education at DGPro. Since 2011, Prof. Buer is a board member of the Team AG Ceramics. In the same year, he became the editor of the "Teamwork Journal of Continuing Dental Education". Since 2014, he was full Professor at Ludwig Maximilians University until 2015, when he became the Chairman of the Department of Prosthodontics at the Charité University of Medicine Berlin. He is also a Board Member of the German Society for Implantology (DGI).He gained his Master of Medical Education MME (University of Heidelberg) in 2015.



Dr. Christoph Bothung

2004: Training as dental technician, Cologne. 2004: Journeyman's examination as dental technician. 2004-2009: Study of dental medicine, RWTH Aachen. 2010: Licence to practise dental medicine. 2010-2014: Assistent professor at the department of prosthodontics and biomaterials, dental implantology centre, University of Aachen, under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Stefan Wolfart. Since 2014: Employed as dentist at dental practice, Düsseldorf. 2015: Graduation to the doctor of dental medicine (Dr. med. dent.). 2015: Winner of the "YOUNG ESTHETICS" Award, German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ e.V.).

Dr. Urs Brodbeck

Switzerland, Zürich

OA Dr. Mohamed Sad Chaar

Germany, Kiel

PD Dr. Arndt Happe

Germany, Münster

Dr. Arndt Happe graduated from dental school in 1994, having studied at Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster. Following post-graduate studies with Professor Fouad Khoury and successful specialization in oral surgery, he obtained his doctoral degree in 1996. At that time he had already been active as a speaker and co-author of national and international publications in the field of oral implantology. Since 1999, Dr. Happe has worked as an oral surgeon in private practice in Münster, with a professional focus on both oral implantology (since 2000) and periodontology (since 2004). He taught in various postgraduate programs offered by the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), the European Association of Dental Implantologists (BDIZ EDI), the German Association of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and the German Society for Periodontology (DGP), as well as in the “Periodontology and Implant Therapy” master program of the DGP in cooperation with Dresden International University. In addition, Dr. Happe is an external research assistant at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Oral Surgery and Implantology at the University of Cologne (Director: Professor Joachim E. Zöller). He is an affiliate of the prestigious European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).


Prof. Dr. med. dent. Sönke Harder

Germany, München
Okt. 1998-Dez. 2004: Academic studies in dentistry, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany. Feb. 2005-Sep. 2005: Assistant Professor, Dental Practise, Hamburg, Germany. Okt. 2005-Mär. 2007: Assistant Professor, DMD at the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Chair Prof. Dr. M. Kern, at the University Hospital Schleswig Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany. Apr. 2007-Sep. 2007: Assistant Professor, DMD at the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Gernet,at the University Hospital Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. Okt. 2007-Okt. 2008: Assistant Professor, DMD at the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Chair Prof. Dr. M. Kern, at the University Hospital Schleswig Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany. Jan. 2009-Okt. 2010: Senior physician, DMD at the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Chair Prof. Dr. M. Kern, at the University Hospital Schleswig Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany. Since 1. Okt. 2011: Partner of the Dental Clinic for Dentistry and Implantology Munich. Okt. 2015: Graduation as a PhD in dentistry at the Christian-Albrechts Universität, Kiel, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kern

Germany, Kiel

Dental studies in Freiburg from 1980 to 1985, completed PhD in 1987, worked in the prosthodontics department of the dental clinic in Freiburg from 1985 to 1991 and 1994 to 1997. Conducted research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, USA, from 1991 to 1993. Achieved habilitation in 1995. Appointed as director of the Department of Dental Prosthetics, Propaedeutics, and Materials Science at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel in 1997. Became chairman of the Schleswig-Holstein Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SHGZMK) in 2004. Served as vice president of the German Society of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (DGPro) from 2008 to 2012, and as president of the DGPro from 2012 to 2016. In December 2011, became the first German scientist to receive the Schweitzer Research Award from the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP). Research interests include adhesive prosthodontics, all-ceramic restorations, implantology, and materials science.


Dr. Helmut Kesler


Dr. Andreas Kurbad

Germany, Viersen

PD Dr. Christian Mehl

Germany, München

Prof Dr Mehl is a qualified prosthetics (dental restorations) specialist with the German Society of Prosthodontics and the General Dental Council, and a certified implantologist with the German Society of Implantology. He has been working in dentistry for over 15 years and still finds the developments exciting, both as a scientist and clinician. In addition, he has the privilege of being able to pass on his knowledge and experience to the next generation as a professor at the University of Kiel. He is also actively involved in the clinical research and development of dental implant systems. He has received the Camlog Research Award for his work. Since the exchange of knowledge is an important part of research and further development, he regularly publishes in national and international specialist magazines and gives lectures at home and abroad by invitation. Treatment examples from his everyday practice can be found at Wimpole Street Dental Clinic.


Prof. Dr. Michael Naumann

Germany, Stahnsdorf

Prof. Dr. Sven Reich

Germany, Aachen

May 1989-Aug. 1994: Study of Dentistry. Oct. 1994-Nov. 2005: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Erlangen. 2005: Habilitation. Dec. 2005-Sep. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University of Leipzig. Since Oct. 2009: Dental Prosthetics at the University Clinic Aachen (Director Prof. Dr. S. Wolfart). Since July 2012: W2 Professorship for the Teaching and Research Area of Computer-Aided Dentistry at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics and Biomaterials.


Dr. Diether Reusch

Germany, Westerburg

Dr. Wolfgang Schmiedel

Germany, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Marc Schmitter

Germany, Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Michael Walter

Germany, Dresden

ZTM Volker Weber

Germany, Aachen

Volker Weber, MDT graduated as Certified Dental Technician in 1987. From 1988 to 2009, he worked closely with the Department of Prosthodontics of RWTH Aachen University (Director: Professor Hubertus Spiekermann), especially in the field of oral implantology with special emphasis on the use of different implant systems. This cooperation intensified when he joined the Impladent dental laboratory at Aachen in 1992. In 1994 he passed the examination for Master Dental Technician in Cologne. Since 2005 he has been a consultant on implant-supported restorations for various institutions and has published articles on implant-supported superstructures. Since 2009 he has been continuing his cooperation with the Department of Prosthodontics, Oral Implantology and Biomaterials of RWTH Aachen University (Director: Professor Stefan Wolfart).


PD Dr. Paul Weigl

Germany, Frankfurt

PD Dr. med. dent. Anja Zembic

Switzerland, Zürich

Ralph Ziereis


Organizer/Event registration

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